Trichotomy of Technology Governance
Stakeholders of any matured organization work towards a shared goal and yet they have contrasting responsibilities in preserving, enhancing and creating value (in form of products, services and experiences) offered to their end customers.
This often creates an obstreperous situation if the IT department fails to recognize and serve the diverse need of various IT users.
Technology divisions should consider a trichotomy model which classify technology assets in three categories with different level of controls commensurate with the value at risk for an organization.
First category is the controlled environment that requires utmost reliability, efficiency, safety and security with highest level of compliance and governance standards. This could be the enterprise platforms hosting customer and business confidential data.
Next is the semi-controlled environment that requires somewhat frequent changes with moderate governance to quickly adapt to changing business demands and to meet aggressive time-to-market goals. This could be a business capability program that allows businesses to remap customer journies, and offer new product and services in quick iterations to their customers.
Finally, it’s the incubation environment for exploring new ideas with a notion of learn-fast experiments that support frequent changes with minimal governance. This can include platforms which enables democratization of data and APIs across organization so that user can generate insights and explore ideas on their own instead of depending on a central unit.
Is your technology setup responsive to the business demands without having too much dependency on a centralized function? Do you want to know more how to tailor and implement the trichotomy model for your organization? Contact our Acuitologist for a non-obligatory cost-free consultation today.